Duke Community Members: Support the Divestment Proposal
For Duke students, alumni, parents, staff, and faculty
Support form is beneath the proposal
This proposal, titled “Proposal for Divestment from Israeli Apartheid and Increased Transparency in Investment Practices,” was submitted to Duke University’s Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility (ACIR) on August 26, 2024, and calls on the University to divest from all companies and entities that support or profit from Israeli apartheid and the occupation of Palestine.
ACIR assists the University President in making recommendations to the Board of Trustees in keeping with the Board’s Guideline on Investment Responsibility. The Guideline on Investment Responsibility explicitly allows members of the Duke community to “call upon ACIR to review investment that is engaged in activity considered morally abhorrent, such as apartheid, genocide, or slavery.”
The proposal was written by members of the Duke Divest Coalition (DCC), a student-led coalition that draws inspiration from the University’s rich legacy of student and worker organizing, and echoes the voices of those who protested and rallied against Duke’s investments in apartheid South Africa in the 1980s.
As members of the Duke community, we have both the right and a profound moral obligation to bring these demands. The clear case of apartheid we outline in this proposal is morally abhorrent — Duke must divest from all companies and entities that support or profit from Israeli apartheid and the occupation of Palestine.
Alumni, parents, faculty, and students of Duke University — sign below to endorse the proposal for divestment. You can also commit to withholding all donations to the University until it divests and meets DDC’s demands.